$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $10,000.00

Campaign Ends: 08/01/2025 - 160 Days Left!

Can you imagine experiencing extreme circumstances that leave you unable to buy food,

electricity, or clothes for your children or grandchildren? In the Garden Missions met a woman

named Martha in 2008 who, even though she was clearly pained and embarrassed, made the

brave decision to ask for help after being left in a seemingly helpless position. In the Garden

Missions knew they needed to help, but not just short-term with groceries and clothes, but by

doing something that would help her for years. Martha said, “If I had a garden, I could work it

and have food for my young’ ins.” Eventually, In the Garden Missions came to develop a

Farming God’s Way mission trip where teams can plant a garden in communities and teach them

how to farm effectively.

This September, five Mission Accomplished team members get the amazing opportunity

to make a difference in Uganda, Africa as they embark on a Farming God’s Way mission trip.

We will be planting gardens, teaching, building relationships, sharing the love of Jesus, and

showing those in need that they are not alone.

This trip is being funded entirely through donations and small fundraisers, with anything

extra being put towards supplies that we can bring with us such as school supplies, clothes, over-

the-counter medicine for clinics, bibles, etc. We could not do any of this without your support

both financially and prayerfully. You can donate through In the Garden Missions or reach out to

Heather Smith at doorkeeper4christ@yahoo.com.

Thank you for your time and for any support you are able to provide!

Mission Accomplished is Going to Uganda! - Truck for Drilling Department

In 2024 our Drilling Department installed 17 freshwater wells in villages all over Uganda.

1/3 of our entire budget goes towards renting a truck for each trip.

Our desire it to be a good steward of Gods money. We can purchase our own truck, get our drillers the commercial license necessary to drive the truck and we will be able to put those savings back into drilling more wells, paying our drillers a better wage and making repairs on our drilling machines faster. 

This truck can also help our ministry in other ways. We often have to rent a truck to deliver supplies to our compound in Rwentobo from the capital city in Kampala. We can rent our truck out to others when it's not in our use to help bring in funds for our ministry. There are many uses for this truck, and I know it will bring us blessings year around as we move forward in 2025. 



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