Pride Infant Primary School is located in the heart of the capital city of Kampala. Over 300 children attend this school that combines creative arts with active learning.
School uniforms are unique to each school, these children wear the purple and white with pride.
Headmaster James, who recently lost the love of his life Allen Kamugisha, love each child as their own at this school.
This school has been through many challenges and difficulties, most recent in 2018, the city threatened to shut them down if an older school building was not torn down and completely rebuilt.
God stepped in to provide the funding. A new building was built by the end of 2018, but there are still challenges.
The school is located in an area that floods and creates problems for the structure built in this location. Most all of the school needs to be torn down and built again with better foundations and water runoff systems in place. We would love to see this dream continue as we build new buildings for these kids that are safe and will last through the storms.