Teaching women to make reusable pads is part of our goal to empower women in Uganda to be independent and self sufficient. Many women are abandoned by their husbands and the fathers of their children. They are left with no means to support themselves or the children.
Making reusable pads provides a little income to help the family with food and other necessities. It also provides for a great need. Most women have no access to disposable products. They are left with no really choices. They will either dig a hole and sit until their cycle is over or find scrap rags from old clothes or their bed sheets to absorb the flow. School age girls will miss an entire week of school each month because of the lack of resources.
We are also teaching the women personal hygiene and how to care for the pads properly. The Women are taught that this is a gift from God that He only have to women, not a curse. they are also taught what it means to be a Proverbs 31 women and how to start a microbusiness and sell the pads to other women but also to teach other women the skill.
$5.00 will supply enough material to make 3 pads for each lady.